Introduction Hanz-Panz

Hello nice to see you!

This the very first and short notice about the new webshop for dynamic interiors by Hanz-Panz concept & design.
There are many nice products around which can help you to get a more dynamic living-/working space!

Most times hidden in between a bunch of regular and ‘static’ products you can find little jewels of dynamic furniture
or elements that you can use to create them yourself.

Why dynamic interiors and furniture?

Well everyone knows the feeling if you want to do something practical and people are just standing so close that you don’t have the freedom to move like you would like. You can do your task maybe but it doesn’t feel as comfortable as it could be. Sometimes you can ask them to go a bit aside.

The space that you have to move or sometimes only the space that you can see makes you feel more or less comfortable. For every person this feeling of being comfortable in a situation is different. One person can concentrate very well even if someone is very close or looking at what you are doing. Someone else needs a more comfortable ‘distance’.

Living with more people in the same house gets easier when you have more individual space or at least that every-one feels comfortable about the space or privacy they need. Living in a more limited space is a challange.

Dynamic elements in your interior can be crucial for feeling at home! We enjoy having cupboard and drawers so ‘THINGS’ HAVE THEIR ‘OWN PLACE’. But what if some things could give up their space a little so that ‘YOU’ can enjoy being more free during activities in ‘YOUR OWN SPACE’! Just re-think about the behaviour of your furniture and ‘things’ at home. A little flexability so now and then could make you feel much more living in ‘YOUR COMFORT-ZONE’.

In a more ‘static’ interior the free space to move depends on how or where you have place your furniture, plants or where on that moment your child is playing on the floor.

During ‘lockdown’ many people experience the need for a change of organising things or they feel limited by having unusual things around which they can’t easily put aside.

So suddenly you are having dinner at the same desk where you have been working and so also probably been sitting on the very same chair.

Hanz-Panz will write some more blogs about lockdown-ergonomics and tips about creating functional dynamic interiors.

We are in the very beginning of selecting the products and sometimes workout little changings by the producer to make them even more adapted to the world of dynamic furniture. The goal of Hanz-Panz is to create a nice program from very basic and functional elements up to the very high end of design in combination with the dynamic functionality.

Not all products will be really dynamically themselves but they deserve in our eyes still a place in between the smart, handy, clever dynamic interiors.

We are open for new clients but also ‘makers’ who like to create new products.

Designers, stylists, architects  can browse for inspiration or they can make a proposal to work together. Within the proposal it should be very clear what will be the role of Hanz-Panz within the project, indication of hours, deadlines and the budget.

We like to here from you!


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